About Us

Spaniel Rescue South African is administered by animal loving volunteers. We have a passion for animals and the love that they bring to a home. We received this letter from a rescue dog, and it confirms why we try to place spaniels in forever homes.

My name is Claire and I am a “Rescue.”

I lived at a Shelter for more than two years. I was already six years old when my hopes and dreams of a “Forever Home” came true. A couple came looking for a puppy, but when they looked into my cage and our eyes met, they knew we belonged together.

I was very timid and not used to hugs or kisses. It took a long while for me to trust my new family and believe in the goodness of humans again. It took me six months before I was confident enough to bark for the first time. My family calls me very “talkative” now!

When my Mommy lost her own Mommy a while ago, I licked the tears off her face. She hugged me and said that she believed that we rescued each other. We have been together for 10 years. I cannot hear or see very well anymore, but I know that I am loved beyond words.

I am one of three adored “Rescue Dogs” in our home. We came house-trained, sterilized, chipped and grateful for all the love and care showered upon us. Our adoption fees went directly back to save other dogs.

Please consider rescuing a shelter animal. We come with a history which makes us sensitive to your feelings.  We are infinitely grateful for the humans that changed our lives for the better.

And we express this gratitude with endless licks, snuggles and tail wagging.

Love Claire